Engineers Society - Portugal
“The work of preparing and organizing the Platform with regard to the needs of the electoral process of the Engineers Society, whose requirements are complex, were carried out in perfect harmony with the services of the Engineers Society, spirit of collaboration, sense of responsibility and proved to be essential for its excellent performance, which reflects the high quality of the services provided, a fact that I am pleased to note and highlight.
The availability to accommodate requests, the concern revealed in carrying out the tasks in complete articulation with the Engineers Society, the proposals for improving the processes to be implemented and the promptness in presenting the final results are also aspects that deserve wide emphasis.” – Engineers Society
Election for National, Regional and Local bodies, with segmentation by regions and specialities.
The elections, during 10 days in February 2022, were hybrid – via internet, in-person and postal voting, for around 50,000 voters.
More than 90% of the votes were casted electronically.
During 2023 the Engineers Society chose X2VOTE to perform 3 additional regional elections.